


Company-internal processes can be flexibly modeled in this area. Actions can be used to define Process inputs that affect Profiles, Needs, Projects and Clients. There are Standard Actions and Specific Actions in this area which can be customized.


For each Action, up to four Validity States can be specified if need be, each defining a possible outcome of the Action. email templates can also be linked to each Validity state, which can be sent to a Profile if required. Validity Emails must be created in Communication/Email templates within the Backend.

Yes: positive Status or outcome of an Action
Open: initial Status of an Action
No: negative Status or outcome of an Action
Cancelled: Action has been cancelled.

Calendar Entry (Re-submission)

No: no option for calendar entry
Optional: calendar entry can be used if required.
Automatic: calendar entry will be automatically set


No: no automatic activation or deactivation when carrying out the Action.
Activate/ deactivate: the corresponding object (Profile, Need, Client etc.) can be automatically activated or deactivated when this action is being performed. The User has the option to confirm or refuse the activation or deactivation in the Frontend area.

Send Email

an email will automatically be sent to the address(es) that are files in the “Email“ field (comma-separated).

Field type (custom)

enables a custom field in this Action when labelled.

For further questions: support@unatrix.com